Monday, July 8, 2024

JUDOMASTER "Introducing Rip Jagger...JudoMaster"

Here's a Never-Reprinted Origin Story of a Silver-Age Hero...
...conceived by a comic creative who was an active martial arts teacher/practitioner!
To Be Continued When We Enter...The Dojo...
Illustrator Frank McLaughlin, who was Charlton Comics' Art Director as well as occasionally penciling and inking covers and stores, had been doing short features about martial arts in the back of the spy comic Sarge Steel.
McLaughlin pitched a costumed hero who utilized Asian martial arts instead of the usual Western boxing and wrestling most non-superpowered heroes utilized.
Editor Pat Masuli, also a martial arts buff who attended the same dojo as Frank, gave the OK and assigned writer Joe Gill to work with McLaughlin, who had no scripting experience at that point.
(The Sarge Steel features were non-fiction illustrated demonstrations of martial arts moves.)
The project was, like Spider-Man's debut in Amazing Fantasy #15, published in the final issue of an ongoing anthology comic, Special War Stories #4 (1965).
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Animated feature with the only appearance of Rip Jagger in any DC movie/TV project.
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